10 Tips for Growing Out a Fringe – Without Going Nuts

10 Tips for Growing Out a Fringe – Without Going Nuts

The only thing wrong with having a hairstyle that includes bangs or a fringe is growing that fringe out when you decide on a change. At first it’s not too bad, but once it gets down to eye level it tends to drive you nuts. Hair dangling in your eyes not only irritates them – and you - it makes you look messy. So how can you grow out that fringe without it driving you insane? Here are 10 tips to help.

  • Part your hair to one side, comb it forward, then flick it to the opposite side of your parting, merging the longer and shorter hair.
  • If your hair is naturally fine, try getting a perm on large rollers to give it more body, then that fine fringe will be more likely to stay where you put it.
  • Use dry shampoo to give your hair body so the fringe stays out of your eyes.
  • Using accessories to keep an overlong fringe off your forehead can work well. A scarf folded into a wide headband and tied under the hair at the back suits many people. Wide or narrow elastic headbands come in many colours.
  • Attractive clips or pins can keep the shorter hair to one side.