Finding the Perfect Foundation for Your Skin Type in Perth

Choosing the proper foundation for your skin type is crucial in the sunny city of Perth, where the climate ranges from hot, dry summers to mild, wet winters. For those passionate about skincare and beauty, navigating the vast world of foundations can be overwhelming. This guide from the beauty experts at simplifies the process, ensuring you find a foundation that matches your skin tone and caters to your skin's unique needs.

Understanding Your Skin Type

The first step in selecting the proper foundation is understanding your skin type. Perth's diverse climate means your skin might need different things at different times of the year:
  • Dry Skin: Look for hydrating or creamy foundations that add moisture.
  • Oily Skin: Opt for oil-free, mattifying foundations that help control shine.
  • Combination Skin: Consider a foundation that offers a balance, perhaps more mattifying in the T-zone and hydrating around the drier areas.
  • Normal Skin: You're lucky to have the most options, but a lightweight, buildable foundation often works best.

Importance of Shade Matching

Matching the foundation to your skin tone is vital. Test the foundation on your jawline instead of your hand to get the most accurate match. The right shade will seamlessly blend into your skin without leaving any harsh lines.

7 Facts About Teeth Whitening You Should Know

7 Facts About Teeth Whitening You Should Know

Whilst every dentist will tell you they'd rather people look after their teeth properly to avoid staining, nevertheless, staining does occur, and one of the most popular remedies is whitening. There are several ways in which teeth whitening can occur, but in all cases, the effect is to give teeth a makeover and return them to their gleaming white state, and in doing so, give the individual the confidence to smile once more. If you have been considering whitening or are concerned about stains on your teeth and would like to know more about teeth whitening, with the help of dental experts, here are 7 facts about teeth whitening that you should know before making any decision. Preventing Staining Is The Best Way To Achieve White Teeth At the risk of sounding like killjoys, we are going to say upfront that the best way to keep your teeth white is to avoid staining in the first place. As well as avoiding activities that are well known to stain teeth like smoking and drinking excess tea or coffee, regular brushing, will be a lot more effective, and less expensive than teeth whitening. Teeth Whitening Will Not Harm Your Teeth The process which occurs when teeth are being whitened is harmless to them. During the process, ingredients within the whitener open the tiny pores which exist within your teeth. This not only helps to remove stains, but it also rehydrates the teeth and allows the mineralization process to enhance the natural whiteness of your teeth. (more…)

Why You Need to Use a Body Exfoliator

Why You Need to Use a Body Exfoliator

Body exfoliation is something that can be beneficial for anyone with any skin type. While traditionally, such body care products as a body exfoliator were for removing dry and dead skin, it can do so much more. What’s more, you don’t even need to have dry skin to reap the rewards. If you’re not yet convinced of the benefits of a body exfoliator product, then read on. You will be more than surprised. Removes Dry Skin Of course, the first and most well-known benefit from a body exfoliator – be it a natural body care product or a synthetic one, is that it can remove dry skin. Every day, your toned body needs to shed a lot of skin, and exfoliation products can help to speed up the process. Unclogs Your Pores Do you find yourself with whiteheads and blackheads more often than not? Then try an exfoliating body product. When you exfoliate your skin, you’re getting rid of dead skin as well as surface debris that builds up during the day. By doing so, you’re unclogging your pores and stopping the formation of whiteheads and blackheads. If you don’t unclog your pores, they build up with all manner of dirt and skin, causing oil production under the skin and the resultant pimples. Reduces Acne By using a natural body care product such as a skin exfoliator, you can reap the rewards of reduced acne or a reduced risk of getting it in the first place. While exfoliators help to unclog your pores and reduce blackheads and whiteheads, it can also help to prevent acne. You can use a skin exfoliator once or twice a week to clean out your pores and reduce your acne risk. (more…)

How to Measure and Select Engagement Rings

How to Measure and Select Engagement Rings

When you are beginning to go down the exciting path of choosing engagement rings, you will find it’s not smooth sailing like choosing cake. While the journey to selecting the best engagement ring is rewarding, it can be fraught with challenges. According to Diamonds and Pearls, you need to work out what size ring finger you both have, figure out how to measure your fingers and rings, and ensure that at any time of the day, your ring is going to fit perfectly. It’s not as straightforward as you may think, but it’s a worthwhile process to ensure the perfect fit. Here is how to go about it. What You Will Need:

  • Dental floss, fine string, or a long strand of cotton
  • A pen
  • An accurate and clear millimetre ruler
  • Access to a ring chart
How to Measure Your Engagement Rings:
  1. Grabbing the string, wrap it around the base of your finger.
  2. Mark the ending point on the string with the pen – the place where each piece of the string joins each other.
  3. Lay the string out flat with the pen mark visible.
  4. Measure the end of the string up to the pen mark to the nearest millimetre.
  5. Compare your results to a ring chart.
NOTE: Make sure you choose the ring size that compares to your ring’s country of origin. Each country has different size options, such as Japan, Great Britain, Germany, the United States, Canada, and France. (more…)

The Dos and Don’ts of a Waist Trainer

Waist Trainer If you’re new to waist trainers, getting a firm grasp on what you should and shouldn’t do can take some time. Whether you’ve already purchased a waist trainer or you’re looking to do so, we’ve included some helpful ‘dos and don’ts’ to help make your experience that much more beneficial. Do: Buy Quality Several different waist trainers are on the market, but not all are high-quality or provide the best results. Always shop from a well-known stockist with plenty of customer reviews and pay close attention to the material quality. Latex waist trainers are preferred for those looking to flatten their stomach and accentuate curves. Even if you have to pay a little more, getting the desired results is worth it. Choose the Right Size If you buy from a reputable seller, they will have a size guide so you can choose the size that best suits your body shape and size. Always select the size that matches your measurements, as remember they are designed to be tight. If you choose a size smaller, you risk it being too tight and if you go a size larger, it will not have the same benefits. Break It In Your body will go through an adjustment period, so breaking your waist trainer in is crucial. Try it for half an hour at first, then gradually build up that time until you can wear it for several hours. Don’t: Buy Without Doing Research Buying a waist trainer does take a lot of research. You need to know your goals and how that particular waist trainer can help you achieve them. As there are several different ones, you need to be sure that the one you’re looking to purchase will suit you properly. (more…)

12 Top Tips for Applying Make-up

12 Top Tips for Applying Make-up

Nearly every woman who wants to improve her looks uses make-up of some kind. Some might just add a touch of lipstick while others go the whole hog and apply layers of make-up to ensure they have that wow factor. No matter how you use make-up there are many beauty tips available to help you get the most out of it. Here are 12 top tips for applying make-up.

  • Don’t use concealer or foundation on your eyelids as it is too thick and will become creased.
  • Sometimes a sheer foundation coverage is better than a thick one. Achieve this by applying it with the fingertips and leave the brush until you want a medium or thick coverage.
  • Apply powder to shiny areas of the face first. This is usually the T-zone – the forehead and fridge of the nose or the nose and chin area. Once that is done, a very light dusting can be added to the rest of your face.
  • If using bronzer, don’t just use it on your face, as this will give a two-tone effect. It should also go on the neck and chest, if that part is showing.

10 Tips for Growing Out a Fringe – Without Going Nuts

10 Tips for Growing Out a Fringe – Without Going Nuts

The only thing wrong with having a hairstyle that includes bangs or a fringe is growing that fringe out when you decide on a change. At first it’s not too bad, but once it gets down to eye level it tends to drive you nuts. Hair dangling in your eyes not only irritates them – and you - it makes you look messy. So how can you grow out that fringe without it driving you insane? Here are 10 tips to help.

  • Part your hair to one side, comb it forward, then flick it to the opposite side of your parting, merging the longer and shorter hair.
  • If your hair is naturally fine, try getting a perm on large rollers to give it more body, then that fine fringe will be more likely to stay where you put it.
  • Use dry shampoo to give your hair body so the fringe stays out of your eyes.
  • Using accessories to keep an overlong fringe off your forehead can work well. A scarf folded into a wide headband and tied under the hair at the back suits many people. Wide or narrow elastic headbands come in many colours.
  • Attractive clips or pins can keep the shorter hair to one side.

How to Get Toned Body without Exercise

How to Get Toned Body without Exercise

As many people ingest more and more sugar in their daily foods, there are always new ways of looking after your body being invented, just as new diets are coming onto the market on a regular basis. Diets simply don’t work for everyone and neither does exercise. Even though it may help you to stay fit and healthy, it often does nothing for your actual body shape. That is why CoolSculpting is becoming so popular. It fills a need in the market that up till now could only be filled by one other procedure and that is liposuction. The trouble with that is you will have needles stuck into your fatty deposits so the fat can be sucked out through them. This can be quite painful and the area takes a while to heal, as you can imagine. Still, it does the trick of removing those fatty deposits that nothing else seems to shift. Now there is another option for those who don’t like needles. It is called CoolSculpting because it uses a similar process to cryolipolysis - that is, cooling – to freeze and destroy fat under the skin. This doesn’t harm the skin at all, just numbs it and there might be some bruising, but that will soon fade. Once the fat is frozen it is destroyed and the body goes to work to remove it through the usual channels, just like it removes bruised blood or other things that aren’t part of the body anymore. (more…)

Important Points about Breast Implants

Important Points about Breast Implants

Many women turn to breast implants when they become dissatisfied with the size, shape or symmetry of their breasts. It is a good idea to be fully informed about everything to do with this surgical procedure before going ahead with the operation. To that end, here are some important points you should be aware of.

  • There are 3 possibilities when considering entry points for the implant. Under the armpit, under the breast or via the nipple. Much depends on the particular problem you are looking to overcome with the implant. Nipple insertion is only suitable for small implants. The once popular method of underarm insertion has now waned in favour of under the breast. The scar of the latter is hardly seen, while with the former it is easier to tear the sternum muscle and that can lead to other problems.
  • The polyurethane implant has now become very popular in the UK and Australia due to its many benefits including preventing hardening of the implant. However, much depends on the size and floppiness of the breast, as well as what problem is being treated.
  • It is essential for professionals to fully evaluate each patient before a breast implant is agreed to. This will be both physical and psychological.
  • Emotional stress is also a factor. If the patient is undergoing emotional stress, it is wise to postpone treatment for 6 months.

Beauty Tips For Hands and Nails

Beauty Tips For Hands and Nails

Many people pay attention to their faces, but neglect their hands and nails. This is a shame because hands show your age just as much as your face – in fact, even more so because they work harder, doing all that you have to do from day to day, while your face basically sits there and oversees the chores. If you don’t lavish some care and attention on your hands and nails they will tell on you – and spoil the beauty of your face for anyone observant enough to notice. If you have a job where your hands are in the public eye all the time, it is essential to take care of them and make sure they are as attractive as your face. Here’s how:

  • Wash hands with warm water, paying attention to between the fingers and under the nails. Dry by blotting rather than rubbing as this can abrade the skin.
  • Use gloves when washing up and moisturise your hands daily or more often if they feel dry.
  • Use organic products on your hands and avoid those with toxic ingredients. A good way to make your hands feel smooth and soft is to mix wheat powder with milk, water and lemon juice. Leave on for 10 or more minutes and wash off with warm water. Glycerine and rose water is a good moisturiser.
  • Exfoliate your hands occasionally using 2 tablespoons of butter mixed with 1 of sugar. Rub over the skin until the sugar granules dissolve. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry.
  • If the back of your hands has uneven pigmentation, rub them with a cut lemon to even out the colour.

5 Shampoo Ingredients That Are Bad For Your Hair – and You

5 Shampoo Ingredients That Are Bad For Your Hair – and You

When you pick up a shampoo from the supermarket shelf, it is usually because you expect it to do good things for your hair, whether that is to moisturise it, make it shiny, more manageable and of course, clean it. Shampoo is made up of many different ingredients – the trouble is that most people don’t fully understand what those ingredients do, whether they are safe and why they are put into the shampoo to start with. If you are having trouble with your hair, or if your scalp feels itchy or irritable, it could be some of the ingredients in your shampoo that are at fault. Here are 5 shampoo ingredients to avoid.

  • Silicone – this is put into some shampoo to make the hair shinier. The only trouble is it is not water soluble so it builds up over time, especially around the shaft of the hair. This causes the hair to feel greasy and weighed down, especially if it is fine hair. The sulphate in shampoo is put in to help dissolve the silicone, but that ingredient is best avoided.
  • Sulphate – you’ll see this as sodium lauryl sulphate or laureth sulphates. They are used to create that nice, frothy lather that everyone likes. However, they do more than that. These are one of the most irritating compounds anyone could put on their skin and they are very drying as well. Worse still, they are a proven carcinogen that is absorbed easily into the skin and the bloodstream. And people wonder why cancer is such an epidemic these days.

Golden Rules for Healthy and Beautiful Hair

Golden Rules for Healthy and Beautiful Hair

Everyone woman wants beautiful hair, but often the promises in those TV ads for shampoo and conditioner just don’t make good.  If you tend to have lots of bad hair days, here are some beauty tips for healthy hair that may improve the look and feel of it and reduce those bad hair days when you feel like tearing it out and wearing a wig instead.

  • One good rule is to stop washing your hair every day. This only encourages your scalp to produce ever more oils to prevent damage to the hair and so you feel like washing it even more.  Stop this cycle by reducing your shampoos to no more than twice a week.
  • Use only top quality shampoo and conditioners without any toxic ingredients, or make your own at home.
  • If your hair is coloured or permed, don’t wash it too often as this will dry it out.
  • If your hair seems to be getting more and more dry, changing the shampoo and conditioner often helps. This is because shampoos especially are not all created equal. Some work on a specific type of oil and others work in some other way, so change products occasionally.
  • Use leave in conditioners and other products to nourish your hair.
  • Have your hair professionally styled and cut often.

Who can Have Botox Injections

Who can Have Botox Injections?

While cosmetic procedures such as Botox injections has been traditionally something that only women are interested in, the trend is certainly swinging to include people of both genders. Men are now looking to have their wrinkles removed with Botox, especially if they have a job that puts them into the public eye to any extent. Just as you see certain males sporting hair styles that include additional colour, the younger men – and sometimes older ones – now realise that looking their best must sometimes include injections of Botox to remove the lines and wrinkles that occur with age - or sometimes with their lifestyle choices or simply their genes. Men who are on television or high up in the sporting world, singers and actors and other high profile people want to show their best face to the camera. They don’t have to suffer looking older before their time if they get Botox treatment. But it is not only their looks that can be treated with this procedure. Men are known to sweat a lot more than women. Anyone who sweats excessively, such as drenching their shirt with sweat several times a day, can get relief from this unpleasant condition with Botox treatment.  If you have a job where you have to deal with the public such as salesman or even serving coffee, being drenched in sweat is a real turn off for other people. Having it treated means you will always look fresh and have much less BO. (more…)