7 Health Benefits Of Using Adjustable Standing Office Desks

7 Health Benefits Of Using Adjustable Standing Office Desks

In years gone by, when you were buying commercial furniture that included office desks, invariably they would be office desks designed for sitting at. Look at most video footage of office workers going back through the decades, and almost all will feature employees sitting down and working at their desks. However, in recent years standing office desks have become increasingly popular, but it might surprise you to learn they are not a new concept.

Believe it or not, the use of standing desks can be traced back as far as 600 years ago, and it is the case that, in the 18th and 19th centuries, their use was widespread. However, the sedentary nature of the way we lived moving through the 20th century meant that standing desks were more of a novelty, rather than commercial furniture that was used widely in offices.

That has changed significantly since the start of the 21st century, and were you to look at Google Trends to see how many searches there are for “standing desks“, it will show you that since 2008 they have increased by a mind-blowing 1,200 per cent. Why would this be?

The simple fact is that the increase in the desire for and the popularity of standing desks is primarily down to a consideration of the health and well-being of those who work at office desks. This is true of individuals buying standing desks for themselves, but it is also being led by thousands of employers who regard standing office desks from Atama Furniture as a means of supporting the health of their employees. As for how, here are seven health benefits that studies and the feedback from users indicate.

Can Boost Weight Loss

For body weight there is a simple calculation which is, if your intake of calories is more than you burn off, you gain weight. As a standing desk invariably means you move more, it is believed that you could burn as much as 80,000 calories more over 12 months using a standing office desk versus being seated.

Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels

With increased instances of diabetes often reported, you should be aware that good control of your blood sugar levels is paramount. Blood sugar levels are reduced by physical activity so it follows that, if you are standing at a desk rather than being sedentary, your blood sugar levels will be lower.

Can Reduce Back Problems

More employees complain about back pain than any other ailment. The human body is not designed for periods of sitting for hours on end, so switching to a standing desk, even if it is for an hour or two, can reduce instances of back pain.

Can Lower Risks of Heart Disease

Heart disease occurs for many reasons and often a combination of them. One is a lack of movement, especially sitting for prolonged periods every day. In a study, a comparison between sitting workers and those standing showed almost 150% more instances of heart problems in those sitting versus those standing.

Can Boost Energy And Mood Levels

Sitting continuously every day has been linked to instances of anxiety and depression in some employees. Conversely, employees whose daily routine includes periods of using a standing desk were seen to be in better moods and have higher levels of energy and stamina.

Can Improve Muscle Tone and Posture

This might seem counterintuitive to some who believe that sitting is what helps your posture. The truth is that, because you use more muscles when standing at a desk than you do sitting at it, they have better tone, which also helps to give you a better posture and is another positive accrued from standing office desks.

Can Prolong Life Expectancy

The primary reason most people seek to live a healthy lifestyle is to prolong their life expectancy. Given that standing office desks can provide all of the above they certainly boost health and well-being so it should follow that life expectancy is increased as result.