7 Ways You Can Self-Sabotage Your Partner Visa Application

7 Ways You Can Self-Sabotage Your Partner Visa Application

It is certain that a vast number of visa applications, such as those for a partner visa, are refused, not for relating to the facts about or the suitability of the applicant at face value for permanent residency. In other words, under normal circumstances they would be granted their partner visas.

The reason they are refused is instead because their behaviour in relation to their application gave the impression that they were not taken the application process seriously, nor did they treat it with the respect that it deserves. When we say behaviour we do not mean in the same sense as a naughty child, although immaturity often plays a part. Rather, we are talking about the mindset of the applicant, or more specifically their flawed mindset.

Below we have outlined some of the behaviours we are referring in more detail. We do so to enlighten those reading, but more importantly to emphasise to those about to enter the application process that they must avoid all of them. Otherwise you risk self-sabotaging your partner visa application.

Not Taking The Whole Process Seriously

This problem almost certainly stems from a flawed mindset, but why it occurs will differ from person to person. It could be that they genuinely do not care whether they are allowed to become a resident or not, and submit a poor application. In this case do not be surprised if the immigration authorities regard the application as not serious nor genuine and refuse it.

Submitting Your Application At The 11th Hour

Lots of reasons can cause your application to be lodged at the very last minute, but the number one reason is that you did not put enough focus on it and plan accordingly. Computer systems crash, the internet can go offline, and payment systems can go down, any of which could happen just at the time you are submitting your application. If that happens to be just before your deadline, then you could miss it. Be smart, plan ahead and submit everything in plenty of time.

Making Your Application When It Is Too Late

Even worse than submitting your application at the last minute, is waiting until a point in time when it is too late. Visa regulations change constantly and that includes the timescales relating to applications. Start your application immediately you know you want one, always ask for any documentation you need from third parties well in advance and gather everything you need well ahead of schedule.

Not Submitting The Required Documents On Time

As well as the deadline to submit your visa application, as the process proceeds there will other deadlines along the way, especially those when certain documentation has to be submitted. If the list of obligations on your part to fulfil your visa application includes dates when you must have completed and submitted specific documents, plan for these and complete and submit them on time.

Submitting Inconsistent Information And Evidence

Whilst tardiness can cause your application to fail before it even gets started, once the process is underway, one of the biggest problems that applicants create for themselves, is submitting evidence to support their application which is erroneous and inconsistent. You must check any information and evidence you submit meticulously and ensure everything ties together with no obvious anomalies.

Failing To Update Contact Details

If you move house, you will normally let all relevant parties know, such as your employer, your bank and you would even update your Amazon account. It, therefore, beggars belief why some partner visa applicants do also let the immigration office dealing with the visa application of their new address. This leads to paperwork going missing, communications being missed and potentially the application being refused.

Failing To Update Your Personal Details

The visa application process is not an overnight event with some partner visas taking up to two years to process. A lot can happen in two years, especially within your personal life, and if any changes might have some impact on your application, you must inform the immigration office which is processing your application. This includes financial changes, employment changes, and relationship changes.